En junio de 2011, se publicó esta convocatoria abierta a todos los que querían participar en TRANSLOCACIONES|Saberes Híbridos, un proyecto que surgió en el marco de Geografías Suaves 9a edición por iniciativa de Yoochel Kaaj, el seminario «Saberes y Culturas» auspiciado por el Centro Peninsular en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma de México, y la Licenciatura en Artes Visuales de la Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán. Este proyecto surgido del sureste de México con alcance internacional, dio énfasis en las prácticas colaborativas entre artistas y no artistas, y entre las artes, las ciencias, las humanidades, y la vida cotidiana. La convocatoria estuvo abierta a una muy amplia gama de prácticas artísticas y obras de arte de cualquier parte del mundo (visuales, sonoras, proyectadas, conceptuales, lingüísticas, culinarias, literarias, migratorias, activistas, procesual, performance, internet, relacionales, arte y tecnología, talleres, mesas redondas, etc.).

This open call was published in June 2011 for all those interested in participating in TRANSLOCACIONES | Hybrid Knowledges, a project that was organized within the framework of Soft Geographies #9 through an initiative of Yoochel Kaaj, the three-year seminar «Knowledge and Culture» under the auspices of the Peninsular Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Mexico, and undergraduate program in Visual Arts from the Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán. The objective of this international project, which originated in southeastern Mexico, was to explore the concept ‘hybrid knowledges’, with a special emphasis on collaborative practices between artists and non-artists, and between the arts, sciences, humanities, and everyday life. It was open to a wide range of artistic practices and artworks from anywhere in the world (visual, sound, projected, conceptual, linguistic, culinary, processual, literary, migratory, activist, performance, web-based, relational, technology-based, workshops, roundtables, etc.). The Call was especially directed at projects that crossed established disciplinary, cultural, linguistic, and artistic boundaries, with the potential for contributing to new rhizomatic connections using “translocations” of knowledges, concepts, and practices.